Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 332 - You Are What You Believe



I think most often we hold ourselves back.Plain and simple.It’s not that we didn’t have the ability. It’s not that we couldn’t learn the systems. It’s not that we weren’t strong enough, smart enough…insert the “enough” here….Honestly…Most of our limits are truly self imposed.And I think part of that comes out of fear of failure.Out of fear of judgement from others.But if you want to achieve a new and better result, you’ve got to believe in yourself. You’ve got to push past any limits you foresee.You’ve go to stop the self limiting beliefs….The question is HOW?!That’s why I wanted to share 3 “secrets” I think will help you not hold yourself back in the face of something new….that will help you believe in you more.Because you are what you believe you are!