Streetwise Hebrew

#339 That Date Was Somewhat Successful



The Hebrew dictionary says that מוצלח means “successful, accomplished.” But as Guy explains, מוצלח has some interesting nuanced uses that you really should discover. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Yossi, yeled sheli mutslach” – Yossi, my perfect boy – יוסי, ילד שלי מוצלח Lehatsliach (Hif’il) – To succeed – להצליח Mutslach – Good, excellent, perfect, successful – מוצלח “Eich legadel yeladim mutslachim yoter” – How to raise outstanding children – איך לגדל ילדים מוצלחים יותר “Ha-achayot ha-mutslachot sheli” – My perfect sisters – האחיות המוצלחות שלי Hinne shuv achalti yoter midai – Here again, I ate too much – הנה שוב אכלתי יותר מדיי Im lo hayiti kacha, ulai hayiti mutslachat – If I wasn’t like that, I might have been a better person – אם לא הייתי ככה, אולי הייתי מוצלחת Ha-date haya mamash mutslach – The date was really great – הדייט היה ממש מוצלח Ha-date lo haya mutslach – The date was not great – הדייט לא היה מוצלח Ha-yeshiva hayta mutslachat – The meeting was great –