Can They Say That?

Safe People



We all have those frenemies who can’t quite bring themselves to celebrate when we succeed. Or who use that judging, shaming tone when they realize we’ve messed up. But are those the first (or only) voices speaking into our lives? When’s the last time you took a look at the people closest to you and asked yourself “are these people really safe?” Join us this week as we take on the topic of Safe People. Who they are, why we need them and how to become them, not just for others, but for ourselves too. You Can Do This! Take another listen to the list of how people described Safe People. Can you identify a few people in your life who fit those descriptions? On the flip side, listen to the descriptors of someone who may not be a safe person. Do you find there are people in your life who fit those descriptions? Assess what your inner voice sounds like; i.e. are you a safe person for yourself? Are you a safe person for others? If you haven’t already participated, please go back and walk through the Inner Circle exer