Really Truly Fit

Episode 78: Staying in Balance: Financial Fitness | Special Guest: Brent & Cassie Gallagher



No matter the time of year, it’s never a bad time to set new goals and work toward a better you. Two of the areas that most of us like to improve are our health and finances. According to, on average, each household with a credit card carries more than $15,000 in credit card debt. In addition, the average consumer has a $172,000 mortgage, $28,500 in auto loans and $49,000 in school loans. Money is not everything but being financially fit is just as important to your health as exercise is for your body. Today's guests Brent and Cassie Gallagher, owners of Avenu Fitness, share their “rags to riches” story and educate us on becoming more financially stable as it relates to fitness. Much like exercise, you have to be ready to make a change. Are you ready to make a lifestyle change and sacrifice for a better, healthier, more financially fit life for your future?