
Sinopse • EP114: Simplifying Success: "How Do I Get Motivated and Achieve My New Year's Resolutions With Simplicity?" Wanna get your self development questions answered on the podcast? Submit them here: or email them to me here: ABOUT THIS EPISODE:  Q/A EPISODE:  “Hello Dean, I’ve been binge-listening to your podcast for a few days and I’m loving your insights on productivity and meaningful work. My self-development question for you is on simplifying my way to success in the coming year. I want to adopt a simple yet effective system for achieving my goals and maintain my motivation to stay focused every day. But what I struggle with most is, that I can’t get myself to follow or stick with a complicated system like GTD. I know GTD works, but I really just want something simple. My question: If there was one single productivity tool you would recommend to get myself in order this coming year, what would it be?” —(Question submitted by: Eileen