
Sinopse • EP111: The Boxed Life   Wanna get your self development questions answered on the podcast? Submit them here: or email them to me here: ABOUT THIS EPISODE: Almost every day, for four excruciating years, I was living in a box… I woke up to a little  digital box sitting next to my bed stand… After slamming the snooze button on my little box, I’d finally rise, get ready, and head downstairs to eat a box breakfast. Then I’d climb into my box car. Sit in traffic for 3 hours with a bunch of otherboxes. Drive to a big box building. And walk into my box of a cubicle. Then I’d work within that box for a few hours; breaking every now and then forbox-related activities of various kinds—like the bathroom box, or the break roombox—until it was time to eat my box lunch in a box cafeteria with my co-workers who were also eating out of their very own boxes. After lunch, I’d head back to my cubicle box to do more unexci