Dean Bokhari's Meaningful Show | Self-improvement And Motivation

082: Bruce Lee's Words of Wisdom


Sinopse  //  At some point in Bruce Lee’s insanely successful and inspiring career, he sustained an injury that point him out of commission for more than just a little while… While he was in recovery, though, he used his timely wisely. He read tons and tons of books about life and the universe. He studied some of the great philosophers. He expanded his knowledge so much, that it led to a new outlook on life. His new way of looking at things led to several books. Today, we’ll explore a few of the knowledge bombs from one such book, titled Wisdom For The Way     * Sponsor: Audible Audiobooks (by Amazon). Get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at Over 150,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player. * Sponsor: FlashBooks | Non-fiction book summaries for busy people. Get top Business + Self-help Book Summaries you can read or listen to in under 20 minutes. Hundreds of titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3