Francis Watch

Episode 15: The Recyclical and the Art of Not Talking Too Much



Francis’ first encyclical has been published, and of course Francis Watch is covering it. Listen to Father Anthony Cekada, who read the entire encyclical on the day of its release comment on its “content” along with Bishop Donald Sanborn. In addition to analyzing the encyclical and the reaction to its arguments, we cover the familiar ground of all Francis Watch episodes this season: * Synod Watch * Francis’ newest insults and condemnations * Francis’ ever-growing one world church, made larger by every new denomination he claims to be in union with * Francis’ non-ironic admonition for pastors “not to speak so much.” Listening to Francis Watch every month allows you to keep current on the absolute horror show that is the Bergoglio non-pontificate. Whether you are a Novus Ordo trying to figure things out or an old-time-Trad, Francis Watch is informational. Host Stephen Heiner joins our regular guests His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, and Father