Francis Watch

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 99:55:06
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Francis Watch is sponsored by Novus Ordo Watch - https://novusordowatch.orgFrancis Watch will be entirely free and be released quarterly. While you are waiting for Season 7 of Francis Watch, you can binge-listen (if you can handle that much Francis) to Seasons 3 and 4 (2014-2015), which are free to the public at, again due to the generous sponsorship of Novus Ordo Watch.


  • Francis Watch, Episode 48: Rigidity as Perversion, Never Revoked, and Lutheran Justification

    27/04/2023 Duração: 01h30min

    In the first Francis Watch in nearly two years, Bishop Sanborn comments on various shocking comments made by Jorge Bergoglio during that time. This episode was generously sponsored by the Australian Catholic Mission. You can learn more about the work of Bishop Sanborn at Original Air Date: April 27, 2023 Show Run Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Show Guests: Bishop Donald Sanborn Show Host: Stephen Heiner Show Sponsor: Australian Catholic Mission Francis Watch℗ is sponsored by the Australian Catholic Mission. Copyright 2023. All Rights are Reserved. Duplication is with explicit written permission only.

  • Francis Watch, Episode 47: Traditionis Custodes

    24/07/2021 Duração: 02h03min

    In this special edition of Francis Watch, Matt Gaskin sits down with His Excellency, Bp. Donald Sanborn to discuss "Pope" Francis' latest Motu Proprio "Traditionis Custodes," which strikes down the Latin Mass within the Novus Ordo religion. You can binge-listen (if you can handle that much Francis) to every episode since 2014, which are free to the public at, again due to the generous sponsorship of Novus Ordo Watch. You can learn more about the work of Bishop Sanborn at Show Sponsor: Novus Ordo Watch Original Air Date: July 24, 2021 Show Run Time: 2 hours 3 minutes Show Guests: Bishop Donald Sanborn Show Host: Matt Gaskin Francis Watch℗ is sponsored by Novus Ordo Watch. Copyright 2021. All Rights are Reserved. Duplication is with explicit written permission only.

  • Francis Watch, Episode 46: Gates, Gaia, and Gays

    15/01/2021 Duração: 45min

    In this final episode of Francis Watch for 2020, H.E. Bp Donald Sanborn comments on: - Bergoglio’s declaration that the Gates of Heaven are “open to all” - Bergoglio’s advocacy for civil unions for sodomites - The Vatican’s new Gaia coin - Reactions from the Novus Ordo to the civil union controversy - The Vatican Nativity Scene - The Blood of St. Januarius - 50 Years of SSPX You can binge-listen (if you can handle that much Francis) to every episode since 2014, which are free to the public at, again due to the generous sponsorship of Novus Ordo Watch. You can learn more about the work of Bishop Sanborn at Show Sponsor: Novus Ordo Watch Original Air Date: January 12, 2020 Show Run Time: 45 minutes Show Guests: Bishop Donald Sanborn Show Host: Stephen Heiner Francis Watch℗ is sponsored by Novus Ordo Watch. Copyright 2021. All Rights are Reserved. Duplication is with explicit written perm

  • Francis Watch, Episode 45: Fraternity, World Government, and the Anti-Christ

    11/10/2020 Duração: 01h51min

    On this episode of Francis Watch, H.E. Bp Sanborn and host Stephen Heiner examine some selections of Bergoglio's most recent "encyclical" entitled "Fratelli Tutti." Themes covered include: -St. Francis preaching "encounter and dialogue" -The Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God -"Religions" are here to help mankind -World Government is a necessity -The Good Samaritan Reimagined -The Death Penalty Repudiated and more! You can binge-listen (if you can handle that much Francis) to every episode since 2014, which are free to the public at, again due to the generous sponsorship of Novus Ordo Watch. You can learn more about the work of Bishop Sanborn at and Fr. Cekada at Show Sponsor: Novus Ordo Watch Original Air Date: October 10, 2020 Show Run Time: 1 hour 51 minutes Show Guests: Bishop Donald Sanborn Show Host: Stephen Heiner Francis Watch℗ is sponsored by Novus Ordo Watch. Copyright 2020. All

  • Episode 44: Comfort of Migrants, Vigano, and Getting Angry with God

    16/07/2020 Duração: 01h24min

    In this episode of Francis Watch H.E. Bp Donald Sanborn and host Stephen Heiner discuss the ongoing antics of the man known to the world as “Pope Francis” but known to many Catholics as the pretender Jorge Bergoglio. In this episode they discuss: -Francis’ plea for people of “all religions” to pray for the end to Coronavirus -Francis joking with family of autistic child about going to hell -Getting angry with God as a strategy in prayer -The idea that God “never imposes,” only “proposes” -The idea that the earth will “never forgive our sins” -The “new title” of Our Lady: “Comfort of Migrants” -The bombshell Vigano open letter trashing Vatican II -The “spiritual aspect” of the “papacy” that Benedict XVI allegedly upholds -Benedict’s recent visit to Germany -Some old nuggets of Ratzinger’s way of thinking -The ongoing Novus Ordo-ization of the SSPX And more! Fr. Anthony Cekada continues to convalesce and hence could not join us for this episode. Please continue to pray for his recovery. Many of the stories

  • Episode 43: Querida, Corona, Quarantina

    13/04/2020 Duração: 01h18min

    In this episode H.E. Bp Donald Sanborn and host Stephen Heiner discuss the words and deeds of Jorge Bergoglio, known popularly as “Pope Francis,” in the first quarter of 2020. Topics covered include: -Querida Amazonia - some selected paragraphs -Francis’ Message for Lent 2020 which rails against the “unbridled thirst for profit” -A March Angelus address in which God’s love “asks for nothing in return” -The necessity of public benefits being extended to LGBT couples -Interviews Francis gave to La Stampa and La Repubblica on the quarantine and the corona virus, including an additional comment that this is “nature’s revenge” -The destruction of a miraculous crucifix by Francis’ ill treatment -A Novus Ordo “bishop” goes non una-cum and the continued growth of “Resignationism” -The demotion of Ganswein in the wake of the Sarah/Ratzinger book controversy His Excellency also comments on how the coronavirus has affected the seminary and updates us on the health of Fr. Cekada who was again unable to join us f

  • Episode 42: Ecocide, Soap Operas, and Pachamama

    08/01/2020 Duração: 01h34min

    In this installment of Francis Watch, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada discuss: -Bergoglio's proposed addition of "ecological sins" to the Catechism -Bergoglio's new book about "Mother Earth" -The recent "canonization" of Cardinal Newman -The Pachamama Controversy -The Adoration of "dogmatic formulations" over God -Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix considered "foolishness" -St. Paul and "soap operas" -Bergoglio's banal treatment of death -The call to "more women in leadership" -More handwringing -A new sculpture in St. Peter's and more! Many of the stories covered have appeared in the Novus Ordo Wire, which you can peruse should you wish to read further. You can binge-listen (if you can handle that much Francis) to every episode since 2014, which are free to the public at, again due to the generous sponsorship of Novus Ordo Watch. You can learn more about the work of Bishop Sanborn at http://mostholytrinitysemin

  • Episode 41: Necessary Heresy, Cardinal Stacking, and Golfer Confessions

    03/10/2019 Duração: 01h19min

    In this episode of Francis Watch, H.E. Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada discuss the latest ramblings of Bergoglio and the newest rumblings from the Novus Ordo Sect, which masquerades to the world as Roman Catholicism. Topics include: - The “gift” of relics of St. Peter to the Orthodox of Constantinople - Francis’ argument of “necessary” differences between religions - The appointment of 13 new cardinals, and the examination of one of them in particular - Burke’s commentary on Instrumentum Laboris - Muller chimes in too - SSPX features a “Theology of the Body” speaker at an annual conference… - While also getting to use Novus Ordo churches to celebrate their founding - Confessions on the Go in Indiana Many of the stories covered have appeared in the Novus Ordo Wire, which you can peruse should you wish to read further. You can binge-listen (if you can handle that much Francis) to every episode since 2014, which are free to the public at FrancisWatch.or

  • Episode 40: Amazon Synod, Tweaking the Our Father, and the Declaration of Truths

    03/07/2019 Duração: 01h42min

    In this episode of Francis Watch, Bishop Donald Sanborn returns as a regular guest, joining Fr Anthony Cekada and host Stephen Heiner to discuss the ongoing demolition of Catholic ideas within the structure of the Novus Ordo Sect, which masquerades to the world as the Catholic Church. Topics discussed include: - The changes in Italian Novus Ordo translation of the Our Father and Gloria in the Novus Ordo - A brief discussion of some of the paragraphs of Instrumentum Laboris, which is the working document for the coming October pan-Amazon synod in Rome. Rorate Caeli (hysterically, as usual) refers to this document as the "most shocking to ever come out of Rome." - Francis' preference for nations to give up their sovereignty - His ideas that "it does not matter how you live your life" - The "ecumenism of blood" - Calls to the Swiss Guard to embrace religious diversity as "human wealth" - A review of the so-called "Declaration of Truths" signed by Burke, Schneider and three other prelates, which is reall

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.01: Habemus Papam? Francis, the New Claimant

    27/04/2019 Duração: 01h52min

    On this episode of the Francis Watch: Well, the next broke yesterday that the conclave of modernists have selected the next Vatican II claimant to the chair of Peter and there is a lot to talk about already. Join us as Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida and Father Anthony Cekada of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio weigh-in and discuss the background of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio and his actions since his election. From this man's history in Argentina, we can already talk about his attitude toward "liturgical abuses" and the traditional Mass. Of course, there is no shortage of ecumenism with Jews, Anglicans and Evangelicals. It clear from his first actions that we can certainly predict diminishing of the papacy and a disappointment to the Benedict XVI conservatives. We see early on that "humility" is on parade. Is this man a "Paul VI resurrected"? Make no mistake, the Ratzinger agenda has been dumped in favor of a more radical course.

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.02: Bergoglio's First 100 Days, Spying, and End of Life Issues

    27/04/2019 Duração: 01h54min

    On this episode of Francis Watch, we will take three very timely and critical topics and have a discussion of each. We will close out the month of June by taking on three topics: 1. An analysis of Bergoglio's first 100 days. 2. Privacy and Government spying. 3. End of life: euthanasia or extraordinary means? All three of these topics have been in the news as of late and it is important to hear Catholic commentary on them. Join us as His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida and Father Anthony Cekada, assistant pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio discuss these topics with host Stephen Heiner. Original Air Date: June 26, 2013 Original Title: Clerical Conversations on the Crisis, Episode 4 Show Run Time: 1 hour 53 minutes Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Anthony Cekada Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner Season 2 Sponsor: Novus Ordo Watch Episode page:…-l

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.03: Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Feel the Wrath of Francis

    27/04/2019 Duração: 01h21s

    On this episode of Francis Watch, we zoom into focus on the recent news coming out of the Modernist Vatican which is surely a huge indication of where Francis stands on the traditional mass and doctrines. On the Novus Ordo feast of St Benedict, July 11, Francis contradicted the previous claimant, Benedict XVI, by beginning the rollback of the Traditional Latin Mass, at least within the post-Vatican II church. Father Anthony Cekada, assistant pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio joins us on the Flagship Show to discuss the implications of this shocking (not to those who knew that Francis' episcopal conduct was a preview of what his non-pontificate would look like) and what we can see next. Father Cekada is a leading worldwide authority on the Traditional Mass and was the first to coin the term "Motu Mass." He is the author of Work of Human Hands, a theological critique of the Mass of Paul VI. Francis Watch’s 2014-2017 seasons, previously only available to the paid members

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.04: Atheists Can Go to Heaven?

    27/04/2019 Duração: 01h54min

    So back we are again on a special episode of Francis Watch to discuss the latest installment of Bergoglio heresy. The recent revelation by the Novus Ordo sect that now, mankind does not need to believe in God to go to Heaven and that sin is defined as disobeying one's conscience; not disobeying the law of God. As if that isn't outrageous enough, a story just broke from the Vatican that apparently, the Novus Ordo is considering overturning centuries old disciplinary law that will allow Priests to marry, and that there's a need to "reflect the democratic spirit of the time," and to "adopt a collegial way of governing." We will analyze and discuss these statements. Join us as hosts Nicholas Wansbutter and Justin Soeder speak with His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, FL as well as Father Anthony Cekada of St. Gertrude the Great in West Chester, Ohio. Article:…n-8810062.html Original Air Date: September 13, 2013 Origina

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.05: The New New Springtime of Francis

    27/04/2019 Duração: 02h29min

    On this episode of Francis Watch, we will be discussing the recent blockbuster interview given by Francis to La Civilta Cattolica. (Link: There was a mouthful of shocking things said in this interview, and we will be discussing them one-by-one on this show. The topics from the interview we will discuss include:"small-minded rules," "pilgrim people, evolutionist theology,""Personalist moral theology," the implied approval of divorce/remarriage, "6th and 9th commandments are not big issues,"complaints about doctrinal errors, a "change in church structure," Vatican II as "great and irreversible," the Traditional Liturgy as "dangerous," "Religious uncertainty" as a "positive," and of course, warnings against "restorationism." Join His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida and Father Anthony Cekada, assistant pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio as they discuss this interview with h

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.06: Francis says there is "No Catholic God"

    27/04/2019 Duração: 02h10min

    It's another week, which means yet another interview with Francis in which he runs down Catholicism and traditional beliefs even in God Himself. In what is becoming an all-too-routine trashing of the Catholic faith, Jorge Bergoglio continues to make statement-after-statement and gives interview-after-interview revealing himself not to be a Catholic to anyone who has even a shred of Catholic common sense. The world rejoices at each word he utters, while those who hold the true Catholic faith understand all too clearly that this man is nothing more than an agent of Satan himself; a Pied Piper of modernism leading countless souls to hell as he makes manifest his apostasy from the Catholic faith. Join His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida and Father Anthony Cekada of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio as they break down yet another interview of insanity which can be found in English here. (…

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.07: SSPX and Their New Imperfect Communion

    27/04/2019 Duração: 38min

    In this episode of Francis Watch, Father Anthony Cekada and Stephen Heiner discuss the announcement that the SSPX will receive faculties - confessions without concessions - as a part of the upcoming "Year of Mercy." Is this a brilliant move by Francis? What can the SSPX really do? How are their faithful reacting? Father and Stephen walk through these issues for all interested in the ongoing great drama of Econe. This episode is provided free of charge to all who wish to listen courtesy of the Members who help support our Network. Original Air Date: October 1, 2015 Original Title: The Flagship Show, Episode 46 Show Run Time: 39 minutes Show Guest(s): Father Anthony Cekada Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner Episode: The Flagship Show: Subscribe: The Flagship Show℗ is a production of the Restoration Radio Network. C

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.08: Amoris Laetitia (Part I)

    27/04/2019 Duração: 02h07min

    In a special edition of Francis Watch, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada comment on Amoris Laetitia, the “apostolic exhortation” of Jorge Bergoglio, known to many as “Pope Francis.” Given the magnitude of the text in question, host Stephen Heiner spends the first part of the episode dealing solely with Chapter 8 of the document, then spends the second half of the episode discussing various reactions to the document as a whole. His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, and Father Anthony Cekada, assistant pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio, join host Stephen Heiner in this episode of the Francis Watch. Original Air Date: April 15, 2016 Original Title: The Flagship Show, Episode 49 Show Run Time: 2 hours 7 minutes Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Anthony Cekada Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.09: Amoris Laetitia (Part 2)

    27/04/2019 Duração: 01h45min

    In this episode of Francis Watch of Member-Supported Restoration Radio, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Nicolás Despósito work through chapters 1-4 of the so-called “apostolic exhortation” Amoris Laetitia, authored by the anti-pope Francis “Call me Jorge” Bergoglio. If you haven’t heard the first flagship episode on Amoris, listen to that before listening to this episode. For those under the impression that there are just “one or two” problems with Amoris Laetitia, this episode will enlighten them to the realities. Bishop Sanborn considers this document “as pivotal as Vatican II itself.” Listen to find out why. Original Air Date: May 2, 2016 Original Title: The Flagship Show, Episode 50 Show Run Time: 1 hour 46 minutes Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Nicolás Despósito Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner

  • Francis Watch, Episode 0.10: Amoris Laetitia (Part 3)

    27/04/2019 Duração: 01h43min

    In this episode of Francis Watch, Bishop Sanborn and Father Despósito complete a mini-series focused on a forensic examination of the so-called “pontifical” document Amoris Laetitia. This episode goes through chapters 4-7 and 9. Chapter 8 was dealt with extensively in the first episode. If you have not heard the first two episodes in this mini-series, you can do so here and here. We recommend listening to them in order. Original Air Date: June 10, 2016 Original Title: The Flagship Show, Episode 51 Show Run Time: 1 hour 43 minutes Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Nicolás Despósito Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner

  • Episode 39: Adhering to Doctrine, Flagrant Adultery, and a Dream Called Jesus

    04/04/2019 Duração: 59min

    On this first episode of 2019 of Francis Watch, sponsored by Novus Ordo Watch, H.E. Bp. Daniel Dolan stands in for a traveling Bp. Donald Sanborn and is joined by series regular Father Anthony Cekada. Topics covered include: - Some excerpts from Francis' new “apostolic exhortation” Christus Vivit - Francis’ claim that God wills the pluralism of religions and his fake assurances to "Bp." Athanasius Schneider regarding an “orthodox” interpretation - Bergoglio's idea that being a Christian isn’t about “adhering to doctrine” - Francis' claim that the Bride of Christ has been caught in “flagrant adultery” - An interview in which Bergoglio says that the sins of the flesh are "the least serious sins" - Francis' thoughts on a "dream named Jesus" - Bergoglio's Angelus remark that Christian suffering is “not sadomasochism” - Fr. Cekada’s response to John Hunwicke, a Novus Ordo presbyter, on the validity of the new rite of episcopal consecration - A picture tells a thousand words: what the SSPX says contrasted with wh

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