Francis Watch

Episode 7: The October SIN-od – Go and Sin Some More



On this month's episode of Francis Watch, we return to a full cast and have to cover an immense amount of material dating back to June. So the listener has fair warning that we go into extra innings on this episode simply trying to cover the copious amount of news stories that have arisen over the summer. This episode is broken into two halves: in the first half we go through various news stories revolving around the new and false gospel of Francis, and in the second half, we cover the preparations for the October Synod (properly spelled SIN-od) which is due to begin October 5, 2014. We begin the show by giving a reflection of where we are 18 months into Bergoglio's so-called Pontificate, then we move on to the news stories. In the first half we talk about: The appointment of Blase Cupich at the new Novus Ordo Archbishop of Chicago and what that appointment says, more "reform of the Papacy" in conformity with the ecumenical directives of Vatican II at the behest of lay monk Enzo Bianchi, more Francis denoun