L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford

Four Things I Found During My Furlough Reset



Hey Beloved, in the episode I'm sharing four things I found during my furlough reset. Because to be honest, these things were lost someplace deep inside of me.  I found freedom - from busyness and doing too much.  Freedom to get back to being myself.  Freedom to try new things even if I fail. Freedom to be honest with me. Freedom to slow down.  I found my focus. I gained clarity and learned to focus on one a few things that really matter to me. I was able to focus on being thankful and grateful instead of complaining and comparing.  I found within myself the ability to forgive others as well as myself. Through healthy introspection, I was able to let go of old resentments and blaming others and myself for things that no longer matter.  I found that finishing.  With clarity and a clean slate, I was able to finish the goals I set for myself. But I also learned to let go of people, be done with things, seasons, and be ok with saying goodbye.  Please rate, subscribe, and share the podcast.  Purchase your Witness