L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 28:10:27
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Hello, Beloved! I'm Krista Pettiford, host of L.A.B. Chats - conversations with God's daughters about how His love, acceptance, and beauty shapes our identities and the way we live out our faith. Each week I'll share from my heart or I'll have a guest on the show. My guests will be women from diverse backgrounds that stand on the common ground of God's sacred unifying grace. These chats will make you laugh and cry but most importantly I hope they will help you see through the eyes of Gods grace that you are more alike than different from other women. And, hopefully, you will come away from these chats trusting more in His love, acceptance, and beauty bestowed on you when you became God daughter.I hope you will look forward to L.A.B. Chats each week to be encouraged and strengthen in your faith through stories of Gods unyielding goodness and grace. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the chat!
Saying Goodbye Can Be Hard But It's Necessary Sometimes
15/10/2021 Duração: 26minHey Beloved, all good things come to an end. In this episode, I'm sharing why saying goodbye can be hard to do but it's definitely necessary sometimes. I'm sharing what I'm saying goodbye to in my own life, in this season, including this podcast, and how I came to this conclusion. Hopefully, something I say will help you say goodbye to things that you need to lay down too. SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/kristapettifordchan CONNECT WITH ME: Website: http://kristapettiford.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/KristaPettiford Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KristaPettifordPage PURCHASE A CALL TO GOD'S DAUGHTERS: Amazon.com GET YOUR FREE COPY OF FIVE CLARIFYING QUESTIONS FOR EVERY SEASON https://forms.aweber.com/form/45/349022145.htm
How to Focus On What's PRIMAL In The Final Quarter of Your Year
07/10/2021 Duração: 32minHey, Beloved, your calling is more than the work you do. God called you for a purpose. That purpose is to know Him in a personal relationship, to become who He called you to be, do the good works He created you to do, and live the abundant life He planned for you. In this episode, I'm reviewing the six pillars of your God-giving calling based on the acronym the PRIMAL - purpose, relationship, identity, mission, and abundant life. I'm also sharing some awesome news I've been waiting to announce to you! I had the pleasure of designing a prayer journal. I've been working on with an amazing Christian designer for over four months and it's finally ready! The Seasons Beauty, Blessings, Purpose, and Lesson Journal is available for preorder on my website and Amazon.com. The release date is November 4, 2021! If you order now you will get your copy early! This journal was designed to help you prayerfully lean in and listen to God so you can discern your season, understand what God is calling you to do, and what you
Building A firm Foundation For Your Future
24/09/2021 Duração: 27minHey Beloved, in this episode, a teaching on how to rebuild a firm foundation for your future by obeying Jesus's sayings and being rooted in your relationship with Him. This message is based on Jesus’s teachings found in Matthew chapters five through seven. This is a short version of what I shared at this year's Called Conference, Called To Triumph. If you missed the conference or you were there with us and asked about the replay, you can purchase the replay for only $15 and watch all the sessions here: http://kristapettiford.com/product/called-conference-2021-replay/ The replay will be available for two weeks, until October 8th. The sale will end on Sunday, September 8th so that everyone who purchases will have two weeks to watch. PURCHASE YOUR COPY OF MY BOOK, CALLED OUT: https://amzn.to/3vK4jTd GET YOUR FREE COPY OF FIVE CLARIFYING QUESTIONS FOR EVERY SEASON https://forms.aweber.com/form/45/349022145.htm CONNECT WITH ME ONLINE: Website: http://kristapettiford.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Krist
A Chat with Pastor Carolyn Mason - Longevity In Ministry Through The Different Seasons Of Life
10/09/2021 Duração: 01h01minHey Beloved, in this episode of Called For More podcast, I had the honor of sitting down with Pastor Carolyn Mason, who has been an associate pastor with her husband at my local church for over 30 years. She is one of the women of God who has spoken into my life and encouraged me in my walk with Christ for many years. I'm excited that she will be speaking at this year’s Called Conference. Pastor Carolyn and I talked about how to have longevity in ministry and your calling throughout the different seasons of life. She has a servant’s heart which is so important for longevity in any ministry but especially pastoral. Whether you’re just starting out in ministry, you’re in the middle or you’re seasoned, in this episode, Pastor Carolyn share nuggets of wisdom that are sure to bless you. Purchase your ticket to the Called Conference (in-person and virtual options): https://calledconference.com/ticket-options/ PURCHASE YOUR COPY OF MY BOOK, CALLED OUT: https://amzn.to/3vK4jTd GET YOUR FREE COPY OF FIVE CLARIFYING Q
A Chat With Kelsey Dillion - Growing Into Your Calling and Balancing A Full Life
02/09/2021 Duração: 53minHey Beloved, in this episode, I sat down with Pastor Kelsey Dillion of Love Movement Ministries, who will be leading worship at the Called Conference this year. We talked about how we grow into our calling and identity in Christ, and how to balance a full life when God calls you to many roles in one season. We also talked about the prophetic movement and how prayer fuels the presence of the Holy Spirit in ministry. Join us for the Called Conference http://CalledConference.com GET YOUR FREE COPY OF FIVE CLARIFYING QUESTIONS FOR EVERY SEASON https://forms.aweber.com/form/45/349022145.htm CONNECT WITH ME: Website: http://kristapettiford.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/KristaPettiford Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KristaPettifordPage SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/kristapettifordchan To listen to their new CD Everything. Look for LMM Music on Apple and Spotify.
A Chat With Pastor Noell Mitchell - Following God Into The New Season Of Your Calling One Step of Obedience At A Time
26/08/2021 Duração: 58minHey Beloved, in this episode, Pastor Noell and I chatted about how her journey of following God through the different seasons of her calling one act of obedience at a time led to her becoming an associate pastor at the Rock Church here in San Diego. By faith and motivated by the desire to obey and follow Christ she left a familiar place that had been a blessing to her for a new and unfamiliar place. If you know God is calling you out of your place of comfort and familiarity into the unknown, then you will want to listen to her testimony. In addition to Dr. Saundra’s episode, this interview with Pastor Noell will help you navigate the intersection of change. Join us for the Called Conference https://calledconference.com/ticket-options/ Follow us on social media: http://Instagram.com/callingGodsdaughters http://Facebook.com/callingGodsdaughters Subscribe to Krista’s YouTube channel for prophetic teachings: https://www.youtube.com/user/KristaPettifordChan Get Your free copy of Five Clarifying Questions For Ev
A Chat With Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith - How To Transition To The Next Season Of Your Calling Successfully
17/08/2021 Duração: 01h01minHey Beloved! Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith and I sat down for a chat, and she shared how to transition into your next season well. So many good nuggets, too many to recounts. If you're in a season of transition, you will want to listen to this episode to hear how she transitioned into the next season of her calling successfully by honoring the people in the season she was leaving. Learn more about Dr. Saundra at IChooseMyBestLife.com and DrDaltonSmith.com. Join us for the Called Conference http://CalledConference.com GET YOUR FREE COPY OF FIVE CLARIFYING QUESTIONS FOR EVERY SEASON https://forms.aweber.com/form/45/349022145.htm CONNECT WITH ME: Website: http://kristapettiford.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/KristaPettiford Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KristaPettifordPage SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/kristapettifordchan
A Chat With Pastor Sandra Webster - Saying Yes To God's Calling On Your Life
09/08/2021 Duração: 01h04minHey Beloved, in this episode of Called For More Podcast, I'm interviewing one of our speakers for Called Conference 2021, Pastor Saundra Webster. She shares her testimony, how God called her into the ministry, and how her assignment has changed over the years. Good stuff! Sandra has served as Co-Founder & Pastor at Total Restoration Ministries for over 20 years. She earned her Associates & Ministerial degrees from Harvest Bible University. She received her Doctorate Degree from Next Dimension University. She has worked with women’s shelters for over 20 years, having the opportunity to uplift and encourage broken women who desperately need to know they are loved by the One who matters most. God has FAVORED Sandra to be His Voice and touch the lives of hundreds of women across conferences, retreats, and workshops. She has had to overcome many painful challenges in her life from childhood abuse, drug addiction, and prison. This is why she is so passionate about helping women ARISE FROM ASHES TO BEAUTY.
The Power Of Your Pause
02/08/2021 Duração: 49minHey Beloved, I've been on an extended sabbatical but I'm back after a long season of pausing. Pausing is different from stopping altogether. In this episode, I'm sharing the differences, the power of your pause, and three reasons to pause. Plus what God does when you pause, and how I reconnected with my "why" during my pause. I have so much to share and so many nuggets that I believe will bless you! Join us for the Called Conference: HTTP://calledconference.com JOIN MY EMAIL LIST AND RECEIVE YOUR FREE GUIDE - FIVE CLARIFYING QUESTIONS FOR EVERY SEASON http://kristapettiford.com BUY MY BOOK: https://amzn.to/3vK4jTd SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/kristapettifordchan CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/KristaPettiford Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KristaPettiford
Heal Sis! So Your Soul Can Prosper - Part 2
20/11/2020 Duração: 21minHey Beloved, In this episode I'm sharing more about how to heal so your soul can prosper with soul prosperity scriptures throughout this biblical teaching. 1. Go beyond the fruit of your wound to the root of your wound. (Matthew 3:10) 2. Invite Jesus into that place to heal you. (Luke 4:17) 3. Cultivate what matters - a healthy, eternal, abundant life. (3 John 2) Please subscribe you my YouTube channel! Resources: http://kristapettiford.com Follow me on Instagram @kristapettiford Follow me on Facebook @kristapettifordpage Speaking inquiries: krista4Christ@gmail.com SHOW LESS
Heal Sis! Your Soul Can't Prosper Until Your Soul Heals
12/11/2020 Duração: 37minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing my healing journey from trauma and dysfunction to healing my soul. I've learned from my own experiences how vital healing is to our souls prospering. 3 John 2 says, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." Your soul can't prosper until your soul heals. You can pretend your O.K., you can be successful in different arenas but unhealed hurts will catch up with you and manifest in different areas of your life. The trauma that you ignore creates strongholds which then becomes the breeding ground for the enemy to work in your life through dysfunction, toxic relationships, soul ties, and cycles that keep you going in circles instead of moving forward. Heal, sis! Take the time you need to allow Jesus to heal your heart and your soul so your life can prosper and be what God purposed it should - beautiful, flourishing, and good. The acronym the Lord gave me for the word HEAL is healthy eternal abundant life. This is the
God Is A Jealous God - He Is Jealous For You
06/11/2020 Duração: 30minHey Beloved, in this episode I'm sharing God's jealous love for us and how we are to respond to Him jealousy as individual members of His body and corporately as His bride. As Christians, we've been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ. When we put anything or anyone above or before Him, He will come after it with a vengeance until we lay it down and give our affections, loyalty, and love back to Him. Connect with me: Resources: http://kristapettiford.com Follow me on Instagram @kristapettiford Follow me on Facebook @kristapettifordpage
The Purpose of Detours
27/10/2020 Duração: 17minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing the reasons and the purpose of detours and how to know if God has led you into a detour or if your detour came about by your own doing. A self-initiated detour happens when you avoid doing things God's way because you think you know a better way or a faster way. But these kinds of detours will only delay you from reaching your destiny. However, when you're in a God-ordained detour it's because He knows you're not yet ready for what's on a faster path. The detours He leads you down are to prepare you for the heavier weight of glory that you will carry when your spiritual strength has come to maturity. Whether you caused your own detour or God led you into a detour, know that delays are not denials. Don't give up! God by His grace, He will lead you back to the path that leads to His purpose and plan for you if you commit your way to Him. Follow me on Instagram @kristapettiford Resources: http://kristapettiford.com
God or Good
15/10/2020 Duração: 27minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing how the know the difference between what is good and what is from God. Good things, or that which seems good often distract us from what God has called us to do. We're in our first week of the 28-Day Lifestyle Reset Challenge. If you need help discerning the God things from the good things this episode will help you understand how to choose God and get your focus back. Follow me on Instagram kristapettiford Like my Facebook page kristapettifordpage Join us from the challenge 28-Day Lifestyle Reset Workbook Take The Good or God Test
Choose What Matters - Lifestyle Reset Challenge
08/10/2020 Duração: 18minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing more about the 28-Day Lifestyle Reset Challenge and how it will benefit you. In the story of Martha and Mary, the Bible says, Martha was distracted with much serving but Mary chose the good portion that could not be taken away, (see Luke 10: 38-42). Martha was doing good things but Jesus said Mary had chosen the one thing that necessary, the good portion that had eternal value. This lifestyle reset will help you reprioritize your life around that which has eternal value by learning to choose what is good and beneficial for you in this season. Listen to the episode for a deeper dive into what a lifestyle reset can do for you! Please subscribe, rate, and share the podcast and the challenge! It's free! You can join us here: Choose What Matters 28-Day Lifestyle Reset Challenge
Brave Change - Letters From My Younger Self to the Woman I've Bcome
02/10/2020 Duração: 33minHey Beloved, In this episode, I'm kicking off Vlogtober with an introduction to my upcoming book, by sharing some of the letters from my younger-self to the woman I've become. These letters were written about three years ago, at the intersection of midlife just before I turned forty-five. At that time I was stuck in an expired season, waiting for change to come. Then one day while sitting on my couch after my mother passed away I had an encounter with my younger self. In that moment, she became the mirror I saw my past, my present, and my future through. The voice of my younger self became the catalyst that led to taking the reins and bravely changing the course of my life. My hope in sharing my story is that you would have some conversations with your younger self that lead to brave change. You can watch my Vlogtober YouTube KristaPettifordChan Follow me Instagram @kristapettiford Facebook kristapettiforpage
Choose What Matters - How to Live Out the Beauty of the Gospel In Everyday Life
24/09/2020 Duração: 31minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing how to live out the beauty of the gospel in everyday life by learning to choose what matters most to you, focusing on what's important, and being present. Join me for the next 28-Day Lifestyle Reset Challenge, beginning October 4th, 2020. Sign up here: https://forms.aweber.com/form/56/964305556.htm Subscribe to my YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/KristaPettifordChan?sub_confirmation=1 Connect on social media here: Facebook Instagram
Your Identity In Christ - The Power of a Good Name
11/09/2020 Duração: 18minHey Beloved, in this video I'm sharing biblical teaching on what's in a name and the power of a good name. A few things that are in a good name are honor, character, reputation, report, and authority. I am teaching how each of the things makes a good name and what happens to a person when their name is associated with the opposite of any of these good things. God is going to restore your good name so that when people think of you or hear your name they associate your name with blessings, favor, honor, character, reputation, report, and authority. Please, rate, subscribe, and share this podcast! This teaching is meant to take you deeper into the prophetic word I released on YouTube titled, Prophetic Word September 2020 /5781 - God Is Going to Bless Your Name. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/lMU-OdaYALo Connect with me: Instagram: http://instagram.com/kristapettiford Facebook: http://facebook.com/kristapettifordpage Get your copy of Prophetic Expressions Guide to Understanding the Biblical Calendar and
Four Things I Found During My Furlough Reset
03/09/2020 Duração: 22minHey Beloved, in the episode I'm sharing four things I found during my furlough reset. Because to be honest, these things were lost someplace deep inside of me. I found freedom - from busyness and doing too much. Freedom to get back to being myself. Freedom to try new things even if I fail. Freedom to be honest with me. Freedom to slow down. I found my focus. I gained clarity and learned to focus on one a few things that really matter to me. I was able to focus on being thankful and grateful instead of complaining and comparing. I found within myself the ability to forgive others as well as myself. Through healthy introspection, I was able to let go of old resentments and blaming others and myself for things that no longer matter. I found that finishing. With clarity and a clean slate, I was able to finish the goals I set for myself. But I also learned to let go of people, be done with things, seasons, and be ok with saying goodbye. Please rate, subscribe, and share the podcast. Purchase your Witness
Overcoming Self-Defeating Mindsets
27/08/2020 Duração: 37minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing how to overcome the self-defeating mindsets that keep you from being who God called you to be and doing what He created you to do. Erroneous mindsets become stronghold when you continue to entertain them. They rise up at different stages in your walk with Christ to hinder you from moving forward in the direction God is calling you. You overcome self-defeating mindsets by replacing lies with truth and acting on what God says about you. Get the Witness Bible Study Free: You Shall Be My Witnesses Witness Collection: BeautifulFeetCo.com Purchase the Your Mission Blueprint: here Connect with me: Instagram: kristapettiford Facebook: kristapettifordpage Website: kristapettiford.com YouTube: kristapettifordchan

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