L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford

L.A.B. chat #8 with Sharon Pearce



Download Episode!   My guest for episode #8 is Sharon Pearce, the founder and executive director of Silent Voices Pregnancy Care Center.  I reached out to Sharon when I shared my story of having had an abortion at our annual women's conference several years ago and then had several women come to me silently via texts and email to thank me for sharing my story and to share their stories with me. I reached out to her to be able to refer some for follow-up who need more counseling. Then a few months ago a saw Sharon at a ministry event and asked her to be on the podcast. During our chat, Sharon shared her story of working in the abortion industry and how that affected her to the point of a mental breakdown, and how God in His mercy healed her and lead her to start Silent Voices to help women make the decision to keep their babies. Sharon's mission is to help women make the decision to keep their babies and to support them through motherhood, and bring healing to those women who have had abortions. Maybe you'