John And Tom 360

27: Meet Matt Miller, Founder of School Spirit Vending



Matt is a proud graduate of the Air Force Academy, and spent nearly a decade as a pilot for the Air Force. As much as he loved flying and the work he was doing, he was sick of being a pen pal with his wife, and decided to leave the military, and enter the private sector. Matt's early career, and the jobs he took after leaving the service, are not the standard background for the successful business owner he's become. But there's one really important trait he shares with the most successful people in the world: Humility. After graduating from one of the most prestigious universities in the country, flying some of the military's largest aircraft, and financial success in the corporate world, Matt found himself in a tough spot. His finances were not keeping up with the cost of raising three children. Sound familiar? Well, Matt didn't sit around and moan, or blame anyone else for his predicament. On the contrary. And the example he set for his wife and children, is one that all of us can learn from. He collected a