John And Tom 360

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 14:11:47
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Before JohnandTom360 became a podcast, it began as a bromance between two guys who wouldnt appear to have too much in common.Johns high school career ended with a GED rather than a cap and gown, while Tom graduated from the University of Illinois. Johns wardrobe is heavy on the cargo shorts, t-shorts and Cavs caps. Generally worn backwards. Toms more of a starched button down guy.Johns tattoos have taken over quite a bit of the available real estate on his body. Toms ink is limited to the pen in his pocket.Johns muscles qualify as a concealed weapon. Toms musclesToms muscles?But, if you look a little deeper, youll see that theres far more in common than meets the eye.Toms a business coach and author with forty years of experience starting, buying, and selling businesses and guiding others as they do the same. John is the owner of a thriving service business, and the co-founder of an educational company acknowledged worldwide as the undisputed leader in the field of Paintless Dent Removal.Toms office is overflowing with books on business, spirituality, leadership, and success. Johns library is in his pocket, and he reads via headphones. The books are the same. The only difference is the delivery method.Tom connects with his spirit guides on vision quests, hikes, and silence in the wilderness. John begins each day with prayer. They both believe there is more than one road to the promised land.JohnandTom360 grew from a shared desire to help others fulfill their potential in life. To show entrepreneurs, business owners, and anyone who aspires to control his or her financial future, how to embrace the power that comes from being the best version of themselves. Every day.We hope youll join us as we educate, inform, and (hopefully) entertain you with tools, tips, interviews, and strategies that will help you achieve the True Wealth, True Health, and True Life you deserve.


  • 30: Business Partnerships

    31/05/2017 Duração: 28min

    Learn What John & Tom Think About Choosing A Business Partner... 

  • 29: What Tom Learned In Hippy Land About Being An Asshole....

    24/05/2017 Duração: 25min

    Tom Teaches Us Something He Learned In Hippy Land About Being An Assholes As John Shows Us How To Offend Tom By Being A Male Chauvinist haha!! 

  • 28: The CRAZY Successful Tactical Strategy

    17/05/2017 Duração: 22min

    Dominate Your Market With These Tactical Business Strategy Secrets....

  • 27: Meet Matt Miller, Founder of School Spirit Vending

    10/05/2017 Duração: 36min

    Matt is a proud graduate of the Air Force Academy, and spent nearly a decade as a pilot for the Air Force. As much as he loved flying and the work he was doing, he was sick of being a pen pal with his wife, and decided to leave the military, and enter the private sector. Matt's early career, and the jobs he took after leaving the service, are not the standard background for the successful business owner he's become. But there's one really important trait he shares with the most successful people in the world: Humility. After graduating from one of the most prestigious universities in the country, flying some of the military's largest aircraft, and financial success in the corporate world, Matt found himself in a tough spot. His finances were not keeping up with the cost of raising three children. Sound familiar? Well, Matt didn't sit around and moan, or blame anyone else for his predicament. On the contrary. And the example he set for his wife and children, is one that all of us can learn from. He collected a

  • 26: Marketing wisdom and more….

    03/05/2017 Duração: 26min

    Hybrid episode…answering a question from Lucas, and digging deeper into marketing strategies. How do you get started bringing your product or idea to market? First of all, be clear on your intent for your release. Frequently, the goal is not immediately apparent to your audience. You may spend far more money than you receive, because your goal may not be monetary. For example, your goal may be list building. Building a list from scratch, can be very expensive. On the other hand, giving a product away for free, plus the cost of shipping, can generate an instantly valuable list. If you have a new product, like John’s hammer, send it out to industry experts for honest feedback. Their suggestions may be a huge help in determining what your audience really needs, and, if your product fills that need. Constructive criticism…If you can’t handle it, you’re toast! If your feelings are so fragile that you can’t handle the gold your testers give you, how can you expect to make the subtle, and sometimes not-so-subtle adj

  • 25: Two Johns. One Tom. John Lee Dumas is in the House!

    26/04/2017 Duração: 31min

    John's dedication to his audience is legendary, and we began by talking about the origin of his latest publication, The Mastery Journal. The common thread among John's guests is that they are hard working and productive. They are skilled at setting and accomplishing goals, while his listeners were struggling with that very thing. So...John spent over a year researching goals and the achievement of them. That lead to the Freedom Journal. The success of the Freedom Journal lead John to dig deeper into the study of productivity, discipline, and focus. After another year of research and exploration, The Mastery Journal was born. Mastery starts with how you structure your day, and the Mastery Journal helps you become a peak performer. A key to JLD's productivity is the Pomodoro technique. Put simply, this involves breaking work down into intervals, with a brief break to recharge. If you are struggling with productivity, The Mastery Journal is a great tool to get you producing like a peak performer. Check it out! F

  • 24: Market Positioning Secrets - That Will Make You More Money In No Time...

    19/04/2017 Duração: 25min

    The guys finally turn the microphones on! Sometimes we get together with the intention to tape a podcast, but get so wrapped up in conversation that we never get around to recording! That almost happened again today, but we got it done. That's a good thing, because today's episode is destined for our greatest hits album! What makes you stand out? What is your story beneath the story? How are you positioned in the market? Regardless of the quality of your product or service, if you don't pay attention to these questions and answer them effectively, success and a mass audience are likely to elude you. Tap into the depth of your story in a way that engages your audience. Start with your "attractive character," and the challenge he/she faces. Once your audience identifies with your "attractive character," you've begun to build your business. As you begin to own your story, your tribe will begin to grow. They are magnetized by your character and his or her journey. We all want to create a story that is bigger than

  • Learn How To Put Profit First Into Your Business With Shaneh Woods!!

    12/04/2017 Duração: 27min

    Straight from the North Pole….well, from North Pole, Alaska. Shaneh actually grew up a snowball’s throw from a statue of the Big Red Reindeer Driver. At 19, she purchased her first business. With absolutely no experience and no mentor, the lessons she learned were painful and expensive. Sound familiar? When she started giving herself credit for her skills and abilities, her business began to thrive. She had to become a person who believed in herself, before she could really own her power. It also took her a quite a while to move past her limiting beliefs about coaches and coaching. She learned from mentors such as John Maxwell, Zig Ziglar, and Brendon Burchard, among others. After two separate clients asked her to help them implement Mike Michalowicz’s Profit First accounting system, Shaneh reached out to Mike and is now a certified Profit First Professional. John pointed out the similarities between Profit First and the message from the classic story, The Richest Man in Babylon. And then, as only John can, h

  • 22: John & Tom's Super Secret Sales Funnel.....

    05/04/2017 Duração: 30min

    Ginsu knives, Billy Mays, and Ron Popiel were groundbreakers that changed the way we sell products today. Their infomercials were the butt of jokes for a generation, but now the strategies they used are at the cutting edge of how we sell products online. They offer insight into how breaking even can be the foundation of a multi-million dollar business. Whatever product or service you are selling, you need to know the genius behind their pitch. Selling has changed…while staying the same. Amazon is putting Sears (and others) out of business, and their true innovation is the way they understand the importance of the “back end.” Brendon Burchard, one of the best internet marketers in the world, has 2 years of auto-respond email sequences in his pipeline. 2 YEARS!!! Think about that. He not only has quality, evergreen products, But he has enough emails, already written and targeted, To keep you in the loop for two years. That is astounding.

  • 21: Tom Is A Ticking Time Bomb & About Ready To EXPLODE!!!!

    29/03/2017 Duração: 42min

    Tom is about to lose his shit, and John talks him off the ledge!! Yep, even respected coaches have moments when they've reached their limit. If you've ever felt the pressure of deadlines and been the victim of your own poor planning, drop everything and listen to this. NOW!

  • 20: The Mythical Hero's Journey: Tom's book release and the journey from writing to publication.

    22/03/2017 Duração: 29min

    John and Tom were in a Miracle Morning group about two years ago, when Tom committed to write a book. He had no idea what he was in for! Writing is a different process for different writers, but for Tom, he knew he was going to write a book of stories, but he had no idea what the theme would be. In the beginning, he looked back on some of the blogs and magazine articles he'd written, just looking for a hook, to get started. It wasn't until he was about a third of the way through the book, before he had an idea of the direction he had in mind. When he thought it was finished, he consulted with a writing coach, who challenged him to dig deeper, be move vulnerable, and find the best book he had inside him. The journey from idea to book, is very similar to the entrepreneurial journey. To get his book from idea to reality, Tom had to assemble a team. Just like we all have to do as entrepreneurs. AJ Harper helped him refine the words. Amber Vilhauer helped him launch the marketing campaign. Do you have your team in

  • 19: The Science Of Success & The Art Of Fulfillment....

    15/03/2017 Duração: 25min

    This is a show filled with questions. Here are a few of them. What do we mean by the "science" of success... ...and the "art" of fulfillment? Can you have one without the other? What does the process look like? Which comes first for you, success or fulfillment? Who sets the standard for your success? For your fulfillment? Are you sure? We are on our journey to the top of the mountain, and we'd love to have you join us. Why? Because no one gets there alone. We need to build each other up to get to the top. Consider the gap between where you are, and where you'd like to be. Your definition of success and fulfillment offers the GPS for your journey. Books and references this week: Tony Robbins

  • 18: Create Your Voltron

    08/03/2017 Duração: 35min

    This episode is a breakdown of one of John's favorite childhood cartoons: Voltron. Tom had never heard of Voltron, but John and Tom take this mythical robot creature and turn it into an important business lesson! We talk about how to leverage your time and farm out activities that aren't "dollar productive," while you focus on the tasks where your best skills have the highest return on time invested. John makes it clear that he values his time, and isn't likely to take your calls...unless you're his wife! John and Tom discuss the cost/benefit analysis of time spent on various activities during the business day. Bottom line: No surprise here. John is pretty cut and dried. If you can't dance to his music, he'll cut you off pretty quickly. Tom's more the touchy feely type. Guess what? Both styles work, but John is currently the more productive of this duo. Looks like Tom's going to need to do some self assessment, and he'd better tweak his style a bit if he wants to ramp up his productivity! What do you need to

  • 17: Let Your Haters Push You To The Top!!!

    01/03/2017 Duração: 29min

    Do you approach life from an abundance perspective, or a scarcity perspective? Do you allow resistance to disable you, or do you use it to propel yourself to even greater heights? Does your competition slow you down or inspire you? Resistance comes in many forms, and is frequently self-inflicted. As entrepreneurs, we are creative individuals, and that creativity can be challenged by what we perceive as roadblocks. The trick is to learn to use that resistance, those perceived roadblocks, as fuel for our journey. In the same way that a plane uses the power of the headwind to achieve "wheels up" faster than it would with a tailwind, we can use our competition to elevate us and accelerate our growth. Used constructively, even anger can be a tool for growth. This week we talk about how you can avoid letting the haters, the naysayers, the competition get the best of you. You can welcome that energy and use it to power yourself and your business to the top. As usual, our references are all over the place. When was t

  • 16: Ask J&T - When Is The Right Time To Hire A Coach?

    22/02/2017 Duração: 26min

    Hear John & Tom's prospective on hiring a business coach, learn how to pick and understand your personal needs.

  • 15: Interview With Mike Michalowicz....

    21/02/2017 Duração: 30min

    By his 35th birthday MIKE MICHALOWICZ (pronounced mi-‘kal-o-wits) had founded and sold two multi-million dollar companies. Confident that he had the formula to success, he became an angel investor…and proceeded to lose his entire fortune. Then he started all over again, driven to find better ways to grow healthy, strong companies. Among other innovative strategies, Mike created the “Profit First Formula”, a way for businesses to ensure profitability from their very next deposit forward. Mike is now running his third million dollar venture, is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal; is the former MSNBC business make-over expert; is a popular keynote speaker on innovative entrepreneurial topics; and is the author of Profit First, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, which BusinessWeek deemed “the entrepreneur’s cult classic.”

  • 14: Ask J&T - When To Jump Ship And Start Your Own Business?

    17/02/2017 Duração: 16min

    In this episode John & Tom talk about how to transition from job to business owner. 

  • 13: Myth-Busters John and Tom Destroy Two Ridiculous Stories You've Probably Been Told

    15/02/2017 Duração: 26min

    Hold on everybody. This is not a bedtime story. John and Tom bring the energy, so grab some coffee and try to keep up. This show is pure gold. Our friend Vince got us started yesterday by saying he was experiencing some "down time." Hopefully, this show will change his perspective--and yours--on that subject. There's no such thing as "down time," guys. There's "go time," "create time," "list time," "build time," and "kick it into gear time," but no way is there ever "down time." Those times when you might be feeling sorry for yourself because there are no cars in the shop, no customers at the door, are the perfect times to be building your business! Create a list of projects that need your attention, and when there is no "business" coming in the door, chip away at them. Focus on marketing, sales, promotion, long term growth, creating content--the things that will have the greatest impact on your business over the long term. "Down time" is a choice, and it's not a choice you have to make. Make another ch

  • 12: The Secret To Being Crazy Productive In Way Less Time.....

    08/02/2017 Duração: 36min

    In this episode we explore how to live a life of harmony with true wealth, true health, & True life principles. We explore how to separate work and life while becoming more productive. If you want to make more money with less stress and live a healthier life, this episode is for you!

  • 11: Ask J&t - How To Choose A Business Partner?

    06/02/2017 Duração: 18min

    This Question Was Asked By Zan, So We Delivered!! I hope this will help all of you out there in the quest of finding a business partner, or not! 

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