John And Tom 360

24: Market Positioning Secrets - That Will Make You More Money In No Time...



The guys finally turn the microphones on! Sometimes we get together with the intention to tape a podcast, but get so wrapped up in conversation that we never get around to recording! That almost happened again today, but we got it done. That's a good thing, because today's episode is destined for our greatest hits album! What makes you stand out? What is your story beneath the story? How are you positioned in the market? Regardless of the quality of your product or service, if you don't pay attention to these questions and answer them effectively, success and a mass audience are likely to elude you. Tap into the depth of your story in a way that engages your audience. Start with your "attractive character," and the challenge he/she faces. Once your audience identifies with your "attractive character," you've begun to build your business. As you begin to own your story, your tribe will begin to grow. They are magnetized by your character and his or her journey. We all want to create a story that is bigger than