John And Tom 360

22: John & Tom's Super Secret Sales Funnel.....



Ginsu knives, Billy Mays, and Ron Popiel were groundbreakers that changed the way we sell products today. Their infomercials were the butt of jokes for a generation, but now the strategies they used are at the cutting edge of how we sell products online. They offer insight into how breaking even can be the foundation of a multi-million dollar business. Whatever product or service you are selling, you need to know the genius behind their pitch. Selling has changed…while staying the same. Amazon is putting Sears (and others) out of business, and their true innovation is the way they understand the importance of the “back end.” Brendon Burchard, one of the best internet marketers in the world, has 2 years of auto-respond email sequences in his pipeline. 2 YEARS!!! Think about that. He not only has quality, evergreen products, But he has enough emails, already written and targeted, To keep you in the loop for two years. That is astounding.