She Rises

Shelley Paxton - Living with Soul



Welcome back to She Rises! Today Giovanna welcomes fellow soul sister and Chief Soul Officer, Shelley Paxton. Shelley is an international speaker and coach, and author of Soulbbatical: A Corporate Rebel's Guide To Finding Your Best Life. Together, Shelley and Giovanna talk about: - What it means to be on a Soulbbatical, and why that is important- What it means to have alignment in your life around your soul- The importance of making the time to reconnect with your soul instead of waiting for some day- Practical exercises to begin the work of rediscovering ourselves- The value of taking small steps daily towards a more aligned and fulfilled life You can find more information about Shelley Paxton Soulbbatical: A Corporate Rebel's Guide To Finding Your Best Life is available to purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bam!, and Indie Bound.