She Rises

The UnResolution



Many people are excited about January. For them, it is the time to create new resolutions and make a fresh start. With this excitement also comes anxiety. Many put a lot of pressure on themselves to consistently follow through and achieve these new goals.     With the mixed emotions about the first month of the year, on today’s episode, I share how you can take it easy on yourself in January. I talk about the negative spiral that goes with doing things hurriedly and feeling dissatisfied as you tell yourself that you should be doing more. I also share how you can reposition your energy and how taking a break can benefit you and your outlook.   “The truth is you have the next 12 months to create what it is that you want to create.” - Giovanna Capozza   This week on She Rises: Two things people feel about January The pressures that go with the start of the new year What happens when you do things out of fear What happens when you start judging what you’re feeling Healthy ways to express your thoughts and to-dos