Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

If You Love Someone, Let Them Go



You've heard it phrased in various ways. "If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they are yours forever. If they don't come back, they never were yours."What a ridiculous idea!Maybe it originated with someone trying to help a friend feel better after her lover left her. Or perhaps it started with some guy trying to find a way to feel that it wasn't his fault that his relationship ended.It's wrong. No matter where it began or who says it.We've worked with thousands of couples where one wanted away from the other, denied loving their spouse (or used the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" bomb), or even were convinced that they love someone else. Even when it appeared all hope was gone, we've witnessed the majority of these couples who asked us to help turn things around be in love with each other again.Of course, no one seeks help if they follow that dumb idea of "let them go so that maybe they'll come back." Think