Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

Dr. Joe Answers Your Questions - The Dr. Joe Show



We receive so many questions ranging over so many aspects of marriage, relationships, love, sex, and more that we can't get to them all. This show helps alleviate that problem.Ask anything you wish about any of the topics in the paragraph above. Or other topics about relationships or marriage if there is something you would like to discuss.There will be a time limit to each call. Therefore, if you take too much time to tell your story, Dr. Beam won't have time to respond. Be succinct so that he can answer and you have time for clarifying questions or to disagree. At the end of the allotted time per caller, Dr. Beam will have to move to the next caller.It's live, February 23, beginning at 7 p.m. Central time. Listen at, BlogTalkRadio or on your smart phone. Call 646-378-0424 during the program and press 1 when you hear the menu if you wish to speak with Dr. Beam.REMEMBER that for the sake of fairness, there will be a mandatory time limit to each caller.