Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

Should I Put Up With This From My Spouse? - The Dr. Joe Show



Several crucial questions have come in about how to deal with spouses doing destructive things. In this program, we will deal with questions such as:What do I do if my spouse keeps lying? Are all lies the same? Do I react to all of them the same way? Should I set traps to catch him / her in the lies?How do I know s/he's telling the truth now? S/he claims that all lies are over but I have my doubts.What do I do if my cheating spouse is lying to my kids about what's going on with us? Do I tell them the truth?My mate still lives at home though s/he is involved emotionally with someone else. I'm trying to save the marriage and s/he tells me that if I'll just be patient and let this run its course, everything will be fine? Am I a fool to believe that? Is s/he using me? What do I do?I think my spouse is going through mid-life crisis. S/he is moody, depressed, doesn't communicate. How do I deal with this?My mate says if I stop talking about hour problesm s/he will stay but if I keep bringing