Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

Are You Controlling if You Stand for Your Marriage? - The Dr. Joe Beam Show



Your spouse wants out of the marriage...but you don't.In the process of trying to end the marriage, your spouse is trying to do things that you want no part of. Maybe s/he's spending time with the "lover" while still living at home. Perhaps s/he's demanding things from you that you don't want to give about finances, custody, selling your home, or more.Your friends / family want you to punish your spouse for such egregious behavior and such arrogantly selfish demands. Your attorney counsels going for everything you can get. Your own hurt and anger tempt you to make this divorce a most miserable experience for your spouse.BUT your spouse says you're selfish, that your standing strong is just another example of you trying to control him/her, and that everything you are doing is definitive proof that s/he can't live with you and that divorce is the best thing that can happen.You find yourself worrying whether you should give in to most of his/her demands. You wonder if your