Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 337- How Do You Stop The Spiral?



You know that downward spiral of negativity that can happen?Where one bad thing happens, maybe even something minor, and then stuff just seems to be piling on.And yes, while bad things are happening, you let your MINDSET only make things worse?We let ourselves begin to spiral.We begin to mentally tell ourselves…“Life sucks.”“I’m not good at anything.”“I hate everything and it’s a horrible, no good, very bad day.”We let our thoughts make things worse.The question is though…How can we stop this spiral from happening?I think we will always be works in progress, but I wanted to share some tips I feel like have helped me catch myself in the act of spiraling and stop it before I dig myself too deep a hole I then have to crawl out of.So if you’ve found yourself going deeper and deeper into the negativity, try implementing these 3 tips.