Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 336 - Stop Overcorrecting



Overcorrecting... You know when you've done too much of something so in an attempt to "correct" the situation you almost go overboard the other way?Yaaaa we've all been guilty of it when it comes to our diet...and even our workouts....We go on vacation. Eat "too much" on a weekend day....So to "make up" for the overindulgence, we seek out a cleanse or try to cut our calories extra low or try to do extra cardio to burn everything off.And I get this logic.Trust me I do...It was my logic for the longest time.Eat too much?Eat less the next day and do extra cardio so the calories average out and you create more of a deficit to make up for the surplus.Because we know that weekly, monthly, yearly averages add up.So in theory, eating too much one day should mean eating less the other day to "make up" for it.But it's not that simple and that binge/restrict mentally becomes a horrible cycle.Honestly the biggest issue is that we are telling ourselves that we are &qu