Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 335 - You Don’t Get Something For Nothing



Results aren’t owned. They’re rented. And rent is due every freaking day.It’s due in the form of those habits.Because we can never stop doing what made us “better.”I know we want our cake and to eat it to, but you don’t get something for nothing.Results are truly earned.Earned by those boring, tedious habits you have to do day in and day out.The hard stuff you don’t want to do.I bring this up because I feel like so much in the diet and exercise industry is marketed as being EASY - a quick fix.But nothing is ever easy, especially to start.You don’t get something for nothing - change requires change.So, for instance, as much as I believe tracking macros is the best way and becomes easy to do over time, I also know that NO CHANGE IS EVER FULLY EASY no matter how much it may be “easy” once you’ve done it.That’s why I wanted to share 3 tips to help you embrace those changes and break things down. Because we sometimes have to break down those changes to help allow ourselves to get started!Here are 3 Tips To Help Yo