Streetwise Hebrew

#346 Going After Tax Evaders



Every so often, Israeli tax authorities launch a public campaign targeting tax evaders. So how do we say in Hebrew evaders, evade, evasion, and other goodies from root עלמ in the hif’il verb format? Guy explains. As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ma’alim – Hiding something, evading – מעלים Ma’alimei mas – Tax evaders – מעלימי מס “Kshe-ata ma’alim mas, ata pog’ea ba-hinuch, ba-bri’ut, ve-ba-bitachon shelanu” – When you evade tax, you harm our education system, our health system and our national security – כשאתה מעלים מס, אתה פוגע בחינוך, בבריאות, ובביטחון שלנו Ma’alim – 1. Evadin