Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 341 - Am I Too Old?



Am I Too Old?Are there changes that happen as we get older?100%!But so often we blame our age for things within our power to change.We also blame our age for issues we’ve ALLOWED to actually build up over time.Improper dieting practices. A lack of a proper warm up….Things we thought we could get away with when we were younger. That we thought “worked?”Well…let’s put it this way….just because we could get results at the time, workout without warming up without any immediate consequences doesn’t mean we SHOULD HAVE.And it’s also a big part of why we’re now “feeling our age.”But because this is something we’ve…well…sort of done to ourselves…it also means we have the power to change it.So how can you avoid feeling old? How can you control what you can control to stay lean and strong to your final day on this planet?Here are 5 tips to help…that we need to try to teach people at younger and younger ages!