Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 340 - Do The Minimum



So we’re entering the time of year that well…we often slack a bit on those healthy habits. We get busy. There are tons of work things and family events…Let’s face it…often the holidays are when our motivation fades and often our healthy habits fall by the wayside.But I think part of the reason why we ultimately lose progress so we feel we have to start over in the new year is because we’re holding ourselves to too high of standards.Say whaaaat?!Ok don’t get me wrong. I believe 100% in hard work.But I also think we hide behind having to be all in or the “go hard or go home” attitude so much so that we end up doing NOTHING when we can’t do everything and be perfect with our implementation.It’s why I want to prepare you for this time of year by giving you permission to do the minimum.Yup. The minimum.Because sometimes by simply doing as little as we can to MAINTAIN our current results we move ourselves forward.I mean think about it this way even…If you started the New Year even where you are NOW over, say 5lbs h