Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

Caught Cheating: What To Do When You've Been Found Out



Did you cheat on your spouse, get caught, and now you don't know what to do?Your mistake doesn't have to last a lifetime and it doesn't have to define you. No matter how you feel right now, this isn't how you will feel forever.Consider all the years you've put into this marriage. Look at all that you have invested into it. Look at who you were before you committed this particular act of cheating and think, which person do I want to be? The person I was before, who was faithful to my spouse, or the person I was when I did that thing which was unfaithful to my spouse.Your marriage can be saved. This doesn't have to be the end. Start by being honest with yourself and your spouse.Join us as we discuss what to do when you've been caught cheating.We have a free mini-course we are offering to all our listeners of this podcast. It's called the How To Fall In Love Again mini-course.  Another way that we have termed it is the How To Get Your Spouse Back mini-course. https://your.