Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

Stories Of HOPE and RECONCILIATION: Marriage Helper Live



When you are going through the middle of a marriage struggle, it can be hard to believe that there is any hope for your marriage. You are wondering:"Is there really any hope for my situation?""What if I do all of this work, and it still doesn't work?""Can my marriage actually be saved?"At Marriage Helper, we believe that there IS hope. We have seen thousands of marriages saved and worked with every situation that you can imagine. And today, we want to highlight those stories. We want to highlight stories of hope in our show today. Stories of reconciliation, redpemption, and recovery. Afterwards, we will take live calls to answer your specific questions. It airs live on BlogTalkRadio, and on at on Monday, December 16, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Central Time. You can watch or listen later to the recorded version, of course.To ask Dr. Beam your question, call 657-383-0812 during the live show. When you hear the answer, press the number 1 on your