Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 343 - Embrace Your Negative Emotions



I’d love to tell you there was a way to be happy 24/7.But that’s just not the reality of being human.Negative emotions are a part of life and a VALUABLE part at that.I think too often we just try to avoid or ignore them, but they are going to be there regardless.And actually often the more we “fight them” over owning up to them, the more they hold us back and drag us down.I saw a great equation that was suffering = pain x resistanceAnd the point of it was the more we resist the negative emotion over embracing it and recognizing it, the more we actually suffer.So how can you start to recognize negative emotions as a good thing?#1: Recognize they’re normal. That you’re GOING to have them no matter how freaking amazing your life is.Life is going to be full of ups and downs.And honestly, you can only truly know the good by having experienced the bad.I love the mindset even of setbacks can only happen BECAUSE there has been progress.Negative feeling and emotions are part of life and they can even be a key componen