Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 342 - It's YOUR Choice



It's YOUR ChoiceThings in our life are going to happen. Things outside of our control.There’s no denying that.But we also have to stop blaming these events for our successes or our failures and realize that ultimately we are in control.And this is actually a good thing.Yes, it stinks accepting full control because it also means you’re responsible for your failures, BUT it also gives you the power to make a change at any time.While we can’t control everything that happens in our life, we can control our perspective and how we respond ultimately to events.We have to realize that we always have a CHOICE in what path we take.And this responsibility and power can be scary.It means we ultimately get the blame whether things work out or they don’t.But that acknowledgement of our own control of the ultimate outcome is key if we truly want amazing results.If we don’t believe we are in control of things, if we don’t believe we have a choice in the matter, we are constantly relying on outside things.It means we can