Streetwise Hebrew

#349 Who’s A Good Girl?



The Hebrew word טוב means good. How would we use טוב when speaking to a well-behaving female dog? How about a male dog? The difference, as it turns out, is more than just changing the feminine/masculine form. And how about the saying, ‘for your own good,’ in Hebrew? There’s a lot of goodness in this episode and Guy explains it all. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to   New Words and Expressions: Tov – Good – טוב Tov, ma yihye? – What’s the deal? – טוב, מה נהיה Tovvvvvv – Okaaaaay – טווווווב Ba li eize pizza tova, eize miklachat tova, eize bira tova – I feel like a pizza, shower, beer – בא לי איזה פיצה טובה,