Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

A Failing Marriage & How To Save It



You want to save your marriage, but your spouse has made it clear that he/she wants out. Maybe they’ve already filed for divorce.Maybe you are separated and living in separate places. Maybe they’re still living with you but are saying they’re done.But you want the marriage to work. So what do you do?You may be asking yourself…“Is it even possible to save a marriage when my spouse wants out?” “Can a failing marriage be saved? If so, how?” “Can it be saved even if there’s been an affair?”On this episode of Relationship Radio, Dr. Joe Beam & Kimberly Holmes talk about how to save a marriage in turmoil. Even if your spouse has already made up their mind about wanting to separate, there IS hope. One spouse CAN save the marriage. We will show you how in today’s episode of Relationship Radio.Links Mentioned:Save My Marriage CourseIntervention ToolsPIES University: It Starts With Attraction"What Is Love?" EpisodeFree Mini Course