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FHP 346 - Help! I'm Traveling And I Can't Eat Well!



I’ve gotten a ton of questions about eating out and traveling and sticking with your macros. It’s funny how much we LOOOOOVE to overcomplicate this situation.That’s why I wanted to chat through some strategies to help you stay on track even when you travel, especially if you’re traveling frequently for work.Because we have to remember that it isn’t necessarily perfection but that accountability and consistency that adds up.Sure, it may mean we aren’t as “perfect” as we would like, but we have to remember those small changes add up.So what are some tips I share with clients who are working to achieve amazing body recomposition results while traveling frequently?rate portions are for you. But the hand portion guide is a great reminder and visual when eating out for you to help estimate your consumption.Sure this may not be as perfect, but something is better than nothing.And this consistency in knowing what you’re eating still gives you more ability to tweak and adjust on subsequent trips!