Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 344 - The Best Training Schedule In The History Of The World



The Best Training Schedule In The History Of The WorldI often get asked what the best training schedule is. And I’m generally getting asked because we are worried we aren’t doing enough.We definitely have the mindset of more is better.If we aren’t spending enough time in the gym, we can’t get results.But often this mindset is what holds us back.We design for the “ideal” over designing for what is realistic for us.But the real secret to results is designing for the time we have.The BEST training schedule is the one focused on a schedule you can actually do consistently.Because if you design with your schedule in mind, you can create an appropriate volume and use the right workout designs and moves to get results in the time you have.You can also stay consistent. And consistency is key.We don’t realize how much actually inconsistency can not only be a results killer but also be what leads to injury.We aren’t doing things consistently to build up and that inconsistency makes us FEEL like we can push harder than