Ned Specktor

How to Overcome Insecurities Around Your Passion



Podfam! We DUG IN on something I think can help a lot of you as it's really helping's two parts...the first is understanding that ANY big goal or dream you launch, you are going to experience what Steven Pressfield calls "Resistance." That voice that says, who are you to do this? But my friends, it's 1000000% normal and what I am learning is that we all hear that voice...and now it's time to label it, smile at it, and KEEP ON GOING. The second is flipping from ME to WE. How can you use your gift to SERVE others instead of your ego? This has been HUGE for me...let me know what you thought of the ep and I hope it helps!!! MUCH LOVE PODFAM! This is fun :) Hit me up and let me know your thoughts. Keep rockin and remember, that negative voice is just resistance testing you...keep going...what's on the other side is GREATNESS for you. -Ned