Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

How Do I Get Past My Spouse's Cheating - Dr. Joe Beam



Your spouse cheated on you.Now they're back. Say they want to make the marriage work.You want to get beyond the pain, to have a better marriage than it was before. At times you think you're well on your way. Sometimes you think you'll never heal.Although you're trying to get past it and make your marriage good again, you hurt. Some days more than others. You find yourself reliving the lies, the devastating sense of loss, the violation of your trust. What do you do?End it and go your own way? Swallow the pain and do the best you can? Or find a way to heal your relationship and your heart.In this program, Dr. Joe Beam explains a pathway to healing from the deep hurt caused by your spouse's infidelity and deception. It takes time but you can find peace during the progress. If you don't progress, you'll live in pain much longer. That pain may lead to some very poor decisions or actions. Dr. Beam also takes live calls about dealing with healing from the pain your spouse's ac