Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 349 - The Definition Of Insanity



The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”We all nod in agreement when we hear this.We all know change requires change.Yet for some reason, all too often we keep doing more of the same.And not only repeating the same habits, but often literally trying to do MORE of them!!!So we are doing the thing that isn’t working and doing more of it, and expecting a different result…should we question our own sanity?!How does it seem so obvious looking in from the outside, yet we all truly do this.I know I’m guilty of it.And I think it is because there are certain habits that just feel safe. They’ve wormed their way into our comfort zone.And they are based on a piece of the puzzle that, yes, is correct.However, they aren’t working.Whether it’s the fully system that is missing, improper implementation…whatever…we are doing something, and keep doing something that isn’t getting us results, especially long term results.And so often, it isn’t only not working now,