Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 348 - How Do You Stay Lean Year Round?



There will ALWAYS be ups and downs.That includes cycles in our leanness.I do NOT stay one weight, one exact leanness all year around.Have the ups and downs gotten smaller over the years?YUP!But that is due to constantly learning, creating that new set point and finding a BALANCE aka focusing more on consistency.It’s from the YEARS adding up.The longer we are at the weight we want to be at, the easier it becomes to maintain.It’s why when you first lose it can feel like you gain just looking at a cookie.It takes time to create that new set point, that new normal.But it’s key we even then still realize we will always fluctuate as our motivation and goals shift.I say this because of the lean physiques we see year around.I think instagram and social media can lead us to feeling weird we can’t achieve this ridiculously lean look and not maintain it long term.It’s part of why I try to share photos and videos when I’ve just rolled out of bed, post workout, traveling in random mirrors with not ideal light….Because we