Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

How To Forgive A Cheating Wife (or Husband)



Learning that your spouse had an affair is an earth-shattering feeling. It leaves open-ended questions like, "where did we go wrong?" Or "What could I have done differently?" Infidelity happens for numerous reasons, and we all play a part in our marriages. Sometimes cheating happens because of internal traumas, resentment, fading feelings, and more. There's no way to go back in time and figure out what went wrong, so forget about trying to change the past. Reflection is essential, but dwelling on your spouse's actions worsens the feeling and leads you down a rabbit hole. If your marriage feels torn apart by an affair, there are ways to heal and even better ways to forgive your spouse for the pain they've caused. We believe that forgiveness is a process, so even if you don't feel ready yet to forgive your spouse, we offer advice on slowly climbing the stairway to reconciliation and ultimately making your marriage stronger than before. In this episode, we cover: -How to f