Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 351 - New Year, Same Old You?



New Year, Same old youWell I’m about to give you a dose of reality.It’s a new year…but it’s still the same old YOU.So often I know we go in feeling like everything is just going to change because it’s this magical new year.And then…well…nothing does.Because we are still us.We’re still looking at the same thing from the same angle. We’re still expecting dramatic results while often falling back into the same old habits we repeat each year…It’s a cycle I’ve seen happen time and time again…it’s one of extreme restriction…followed by rebellion…followed by little habits sliding until we are not only back where we started and frustrated or even worse off than were we were coming into the New Year.It’s why slowly over the years the weight creeps on (or the injuries add up) and we then wonder why it’s so hard to dig ourselves out of the hole.And then we blame our “age” when it really isn’t that number that makes the difference…Let's face it...A. We get less active often as we get older. Desk jobs, car commutes..