Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 350 - I HATE Goal Setting



I HATE Goal SettingI’ve honestly never been a huge fan of traditional goal setting as I feel like it can make us very rigid in our thinking.And the second we feel like we won’t hit a goal, we stop trying.Or we realize halfway through our goals aren’t…well, aren’t what we really need or want to accomplish so we give up on doing anything.Or we then don’t hold ourselves accountable toward the goals we should actually be working toward.I remember one year Ryan and I said we would make a new course each month because we thought this would add value.I quickly realized this just led to me rushing through things and didn’t actually help my clients, nor my business, more than slowing down.More than not doing as much.I realized I’d, yes, set a “SMART” (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Based) goal but it wasn’t very well thought out.  The WHY wasn’t there.It’s why I think it’s key we know the end goal we want to reach, but also find ways to be flexible in how we get there.We need to remember the true