Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 402 - Is Obsession a Bad Thing?



If you want to reach the highest level, you need to be obsessed.Obsession really just means you’re willing to do what others won’t even when you don’t want to.And yea sure, there is a dark side to obsession…honestly, like most things in life, there is a downside to them.But I truly do believe we feared being called “obsessed” for our actions when those that would call us that are always people BELOW us…not those that have achieved more.Didn’t know you were going to get even more attitude in season 4 did you?!And I don’t mean that to sound as negative as it does.We’ve all been in that place where we say “I can’t believe you do (insert thing here we feel we can’t do or don’t “want” to do).”We do it even unintentionally.But the simple fact is, to achieve “greatness” in any area of our life, we have to be a little unbalanced.We have to sometimes stay up late. Get up early.Skip a drink at happy hour.But the thing is…we aren’t missing out.We’re pursuing what really matters.Life is a constant balancing act. And if w