Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 403 - The Chicken or the Egg Dilemma...Does it Even Matter?



Did the chicken or the egg come first?The question really is…does it ultimately matter?This thought occurred to me because of the cycle I see often going on when it comes to being frustrated by a lack of results from our hard work…Being brutally honest, often we’ve created our current situation, one we don’t like, because of improper dieting and workout practices. You can try to say you’ve worked hard, eaten clean, whatever you want. But honestly, sometimes doing even too much of a good thing can backfire.And then we’ve repeated those improper practices to dig ourselves more and more of a hole to crawl out of.These practices have not only lead to our current situation we don’t like, but often also result in other bodily changes that now make it HARDER to see results.And we blame these changes when we then can’t move forward.But we almost have to recognize that while these changes do make it harder now, they are also something we’ve created that only we can fix.This situation is what leads me to think of the “