Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 317 - I HAD to Step In Front Of The Camera



I refused to demo the moves and made friends or co-workers do it.I was comfortable sharing my knowledge behind the scenes.But I also really really really (did I say REALLY!?) wanted to share my passion and knowledge and help others.So Ryan kind of gave me an ultimatum...Ryan basically told me at one point, "If you really want to do this thing, you need to suck it up and get over it and be in the photos."(I would say he said it nicer than that as I can't remember his exact phrasing since it feels like it was almost a decade ago, BUT he probably didn't as Ryan has never been afraid to be 100% blunt with me when I needed it. It's why I love to hate him at times and need him around all the more. Love you butthead! Anyway...)I'm telling you all of this because I think we believe there are parts of ourselves we can't change.I know I NEVER ever thought I'd be a person in front of the camera.But really it isn't that we CAN'T change's that we don't