Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

A Right Relationship with Christmas: Beyond the Meek and the Mild



In Isaiah 9, Israel embodies the season of Advent in their hopeful anticipation of the Messiah. This helps us to set the stage for our own expectations for Christmas, as we look forward to marking the birth of Christ on December 25 and hope-filled watching for His second coming. There are three things in Revelation 12 that can shape us as authentic followers of Christ and that can influence our Christmas celebrations, transforming the fading veneer of sentimental ideals and old expectations into something valuable. These three things can renew a right relationship with Christmas regardless of our circumstances or context. They are our worship, our preaching, and our living. Worship rightly focused: Christ was made flesh, willing to be born into our broken world for the ultimate purpose of dying in our place to bring victory and salvation to His beloved children. Understanding the fullness of Christ and His action among us, both in the physical and in the spiritual realms, enables us to embrace Him as our livi