Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

Christ Is Our Head



This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God's people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God, and Body of Christ. As God's people, we are the Body of Christ. To be in right relationship with Christ this means that we live under His Headship (Eph. 4:15-16). This morning we'll look at two key implications of this life-giving truth. As Head of the Church, Christ is our Source of Truth (Eph. 4:14-16; Romans 12:2) Paul casts a vision of Christ's followers maturing into the likeness of Christ, with our minds being increasingly formed by His Headship. At a practical level, this includes... - Developing a Posture of Humility (Col. 2:19) - Reading God's Word to Hear from God - Having Community Conversation to Discern God's Ways Christ is our Source of Daily Strength (John 15:5) The concept of drawing life from Christ is also developed in the picture of Him as Vine and us as branches. Here we see that life only thrives to the degree it is drawn from the Vine. At a practical