Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

We Are Called To Hospitality



This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God's people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ. As God's people, we are members of God's family. As family members who relate to our neighbours, we are called to extend hospitality (Rom. 12:13). In its original language, hospitality means "love of strangers." In Mark 6, we see Jesus inviting His disciples to be part of His miraculous act of hospitality to the crowd. To extend the hospitality of God's family... We Are Challenged to See People as God Sees Them (vs. 34-36) Jesus saw beneath the faces of the crowd to their place of deep need, resulting in compassionate action. The disciples only saw the surface and had little sense of being further inconvenienced to act. Godly hospitality begins as we see people through Christ's eyes of compassion. We Are Invited to Share What God Has Provided (vs. 37-38) While the disciples focused on what they lacked, Jesus simply asked them to bring forward what they h